Will you take the Challenge? My Paleo Challenge.

Paleo Trifle

A few years ago I challenged everyone to a Paleo Challenge.  The results were astounding. Let me start by telling you what that is.  But, hang on so you can read a followers story.  Paleo is  = Gluten Free (good), Grain Free (better), Dairy Free, Sugar Free, Potato and Legume Free. What you get to eat =  Protein, fat (yep … Read More

Denise’s Flu Prevention Tips

I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want the flu.  That’s why I thought I would share our prevention tips.  It’s not a glamorous topic, but sure is helpful right about now.  For years we have done a Nasal Cleanse.  We don’t use the packet that comes in the box though.  I use ⅛ tsp. himalayan sea salt … Read More

Thanksgiving…. what’s it mean?

In today’s society we think of turkey, stuffing and all the fixings for Thanksgiving, right?  That’s cool cause we got you covered at the bakery.  Just go to our “Order” section and order the items you desire.   I cannot help but reflect on the word “Thanksgiving” and what is happening in our world.  I’m not going to go on … Read More

How to use our Pizza Dough

Hi friends.  Connor is going to show you how to use our very sticky gf pizza dough that you may purchase at Gluten Free Miracles, Roberts Health Foods or Whole Foods Markets in KY.  Some of you have said you didn’t understand how to work with it because it is so sticky.  I totally understand.  Gluten Free doughs are very … Read More

Fabulously Frugal – Gluten Free Savings

It might be a surprise to you (not people who really know me), but I’m one frugal woman.  I only buy something if I “need” it.  My cars are older… but hey they are paid for. 🙂   I rearranged our budget and expenses years ago to accommodate our organic gluten free lifestyle.  To eat well in this country it … Read More

Let’s get into the Mud

Gluten Free Mud pie

It is absolutely tradition at my house for me to make my Mud Pie.  When we went gluten free I made homemade grahams to use for the crust. Then bought a gluten free vanilla flavored frozen yogurt (Kemps) and softened to add cold coffee.  Topped it with a gluten free hot fudge sauce and cool whip.  Since I have an … Read More

I’m a Celiac, he’s a Celiac, she’s a celiac… or are they?

People will lie about the darnedest things.  But, lie about having Celiac Disease? Really? Yep, I had hired a girl that told me in her interview she had just discovered she had Celiac Disease and could not eat at the place she was working.  She worked with us for close to a year when she left.  Afterwards, she said she had … Read More

The Challenge

  It’s always been my purpose to serve.  Helping others, helping you.  So, today the best way I know of to do that is to CHALLENGE you.  Reach outside of yourself to gain control of your body and your life.  Eating gluten free is NOT a trendy diet.  It’s a lifestyle that many MUST have.  Granted if you are reading … Read More

Oh the things you can make with a Paleo Pizza Crust.

Don’t you just love a healthy delicious meal?  I know I sure feel good about it.  Paleo is truly the ultimate way to eat.  Paleo “Our Way” is the bomb!  (This is discussed in detail in previous Blog Post).  I was thinking what would you like to see in this months Blog post… The thought occurred to me recipes you … Read More

That was then… this is now.

When I think back to how this all started, I realize the beauty in it all.  My son Connor was a very sickly kid.  He caught every virus or infection going around.  He had stomach issues for years and was just plain miserable. Which as his mom made me miserable.  I felt so helpless.  Helpless, that is until I got … Read More