Paleo “Our Way”

There are many versions of the popular Paleo Diet.  I’ve looked into all the claims and the substantiated and determined some of it a bit misguided.  For instance, did you know that if a seed doesn’t sprout it is not considered a grain?  The Paleo Diet is a “Grain Free” diet.  I agree, however to tell people not to eat … Read More

Random acts of what?

I’ve never hidden that I’m a believer and this is a “Faith” based company from you. I also, don’t brow beat my beliefs over your head. I have customers, friends and family that have many different views and beliefs. So please give me some latitude as I proceed. Recently, I shared with my oldest son JR that when I’m down, … Read More

How I almost “missed” Thanksgiving

Holiday’s are especially exhausting for a bakery owner. I got up on Thanksgiving day and rearranged my family room to make room for the Christmas Tree. Then put the turkey in the oven and laid down for a little nap. I told my son Connor to wake me after an hour and off to slumber I went. I woke up … Read More

How I “over come” Chronic Fatigue

  When Connor was in first grade I started really feeling rough.  I would ache all over most of the time.  I was the PE teacher at his school at the time.  When we would pull into the garage I would have to sit and rest before I could muster up the energy to come inside our home.  I would … Read More

Almost Vegan?

I come in to work and have been working with one of my favorite people in the whole world, Hennessey.  We are going about our individual assignments quietly focussed when suddenly rather loudly she blurts out, “Chicken Nuggets!”  I look up and say, “Excuse me?”  She proceeds to tell me how much she would like to have me make her … Read More

GF and Traveling like Royalty?

When we decided to finally go on a family vacation we knew we would need some help finding a place that would be able to feed us without worry and offer great options.  My husband and I each began looking for a travel agent.  He contacts one from a major travel company and tells her we need a safe place … Read More

Mud Pie on the 4th of July

Gluten Free Ice Cream Pie

I always make my Mud Pie for our Fourth of July get together.  It’s tradition.  Just last week my son Connor asked me when I was making it.  Said he can’t wait.  This recipe is super easy and just a must on a hot summer day.   I hope you will give it a try and make one.   Start … Read More

The Camper

My son Connor was adamant he did not want to go to youth camp.  Told me it would be too much work for me.  I knew exactly how much work it would be.  He went to Kid’s Camp a few years ago.  I made all of his meals.  I labeled each and then went to the camp a hour away … Read More

Can Kissing Make You Sick?

One morning my son Connor came to me and said he’d been sickly for about two months.  I was shocked.  He said he had been hiding it so I wouldn’t freak out.  Understood.  He said he was telling me now because he just couldn’t figure out how it was happening.  He was so careful at school and washed his hands … Read More

Mother’s Day

As a mom of two I see the true value in having a special day once a year to honor our Mothers.  Being a mom takes a lot of commitment. Especially when the child has Celiac disease, gluten intolerance or food allergies.  A mother’s dedication to her child is the reason she stays so driven in search of safe food … Read More