Celiacs and Dairy

A few years ago a newly diagnosed customer came into the bakery and had a panini. Not long after she left she phoned questioning me. Told me she was just positive she had gluten in my place. I assured her we have very stringent guidelines and that everything is gluten free. She said she had the same reaction she’d been … Read More


Finding out you must change your diet and eat gluten free can be overwhelming. Figuring out how to take your tried and true favorite recipes and convert them.. tricky. That is exactly what I did all those years ago in my simple kitchen in our home. The secret to my success? Persistency! Yes, you will fail. Take those failures look … Read More

A Spring Thing

This time of year we all get a little spring fever. Things are starting to have buds pop out or even bloom. Then we have this thing called the SUN showing itself far more than we’ve seen in months. Birds are chirping and bees are buzzing. For us here at the bakery we are also buzzing about making new flavors. … Read More

What is Success?

People have asked me often lately what Success looks like to me? Is it achieved with our new Joseph Beth Booksellers location? Is it to be in every Natural Grocery in the country? Is it to be rich? Is it to have 500 locations? Is it.. to be on Oprah. lol Honestly I really didn’t know until recently what success … Read More

The Challenge

  It’s always been my purpose to serve.  Helping others, helping you.  So, today the best way I know of to do that is to CHALLENGE you.  Reach outside of yourself to gain control of your body and your life.  Eating gluten free is NOT a trendy diet.  It’s a lifestyle that many MUST have.  Granted if you are reading … Read More

Almost Vegan?

I come in to work and have been working with one of my favorite people in the whole world, Hennessey.  We are going about our individual assignments quietly focussed when suddenly rather loudly she blurts out, “Chicken Nuggets!”  I look up and say, “Excuse me?”  She proceeds to tell me how much she would like to have me make her … Read More

Can Kissing Make You Sick?

One morning my son Connor came to me and said he’d been sickly for about two months.  I was shocked.  He said he had been hiding it so I wouldn’t freak out.  Understood.  He said he was telling me now because he just couldn’t figure out how it was happening.  He was so careful at school and washed his hands … Read More